Inspiring a New Generation to the World of Stitch

The RSN Embroider a Selfie project helps to encourage more stitch in schools, giving young people the opportunity to learn about the fun, creative and therapeutic aspects of stitch.   

The project themes — ‘Stitch a Selfie’ and ‘Stitch a Power Mantra’ — provide a focus for the pupils and teachers, enabling the children to reflect about themselves, prompting discussion points in the class.  Expressing yourself through stitch can help to build self-esteem and motivate, whilst the focus and soothing flow of stitch can block out anxiety and stress.

With thanks to the Worshipful Company of Girdlers and suppliers who have supported this project.

How Your School Can Get Involved

For information and ideas, browse through the inspiration booklet and watch a series of online video resources which you can access below.

The Royal School of Needlework also has a limited number of kits available, free of charge, for schools.  Each kit includes a range of embroidery supplies including threads, needles, fabrics, hoops and scissors.  See how to apply below.

The project is primarily aimed at Secondary Schools, focusing on Years 7 and 8, but it can be used for younger and older pupils too.

Stitch Inspiration Booklet 

We have produced an information booklet, packed with inspiration and fun ideas on what to stitch to engage your pupils based on two themes – ‘Stitch a Selfie’ and ‘Stitch a Power Mantra’.

Stitch a Selfie inspires children to put down their mobile phones and stitch a selfie instead, whether it is your own face, part of a face or even a favourite celebrity.

Stitch a Power Mantra enables pupils to express their feelings by creating an inspirational word or expression to help motivate and provide a goal.


Online Video Resources

We have produced a series of video resources, inspiring students to pick up a needle and thread.  The videos demonstrate how to create your own ‘Power Mantra’ and decorate it using outline and filling stitches.

There are four videos available on the RoyalNeedlework YouTube channel  and easily accessed online to view in the classroom or at home.

Teachers and students can also access RSN Stitch Bank which is a free online stitch directory featuring over 400 stitches, plus the online RSN Collection & Archive site which includes images and details of intricate hand embroidered works, as well as a range of non-embroidered costume and textiles, from the 7th to the 21st century.

How to Apply for a
Free Embroidery Kit

We have limited number of kits available so we are asking schools to send in a bid to receive one. Each kit contains essential embroidery supplies to get you started, including fabric, hoops, threads, needles and scissors.

If you would like your school to receive a free kit, please send an email to [email protected] , titled ‘Embroider a Selfie project’ with the following information:

  • The name and address of the school
  • Your name and email address at school
  • Your role at the school
  • How would you envisage using the kit?
  • How would your school benefit from this opportunity?


The RSN will select schools based on the commitment of the teacher to the project.  We particularly encourage schools in more disadvantaged areas to apply.

Embroider a Selfie — Stitch Gallery

Stitch a Selfie Project