Will you help us ‘open the cupboard door’ by donating money to enable us to put the RSN Collection and Archive online?

An RSN Collection is something supporters have long asked us for, and although now it is within range, we just need some help to make it a reality.

Imagine seeing the Litany of Loreto in detail on your screen or finding a long-lost relative trained at the RSN.  All this and more could be available with the catalogue on line.

collecting and fundraising money for the RSN embroidery collection
Royal school of needlework Archive and collection of embroidery work

Every gift we receive for this campaign will get us one page, one object, one example closer to realising our ambition of ‘opening the cupboard door’ through an online Collection and Archive.

If you are a UK taxpayer we can also claim back an extra 25p for every £1 given through Gift Aid.

Every contribution makes a difference. Thank you.
